What, paradoxically, we try to do in these meetings in not-to-do. What we do here is “to rest”. Getting tired is a doing and resting is a non-doing, a let it be. We come here to enjoy “free time” in its truest sense, a time with no goals, no tasks, without occupation.
An “empty space” is a space in which there is nothing and nobody, open. Nothing to achieve or become. Here we are free from our false I, an idea that requires a permanent effort.
In this space without expectations we can open ourselves to surprise! We can see anew, as children, things as they are, recognize that which we usually miss. If we surrender to this space, we can rediscover our true nature, enter in our heart.
In these meetings we explore the obstacles that prevent us from seeing reality. We do this in a loving atmosphere that facilitates their dissolution.
The main obstacle is the belief that we are separated and limited beings. This belief has a bodily, as well as a mental component; it is deeply rooted in our mind (concepts) and in our body (sensations).
Through meditation, body experiments and dialog, we discover these obstacles and let them dissolve, finding paths to came back home. Eventually we realize that, in reality, we had never left it.